Manage confidentiality profiles

You can create confidentiality profiles that define how patient data will be anonymized based on DICOM attributes. You can also use the default confidentiality profile, called Nominal, which is based on the DICOM standard “PS3.15 Table E.1-1. Application Level Confidentiality Profile Attributes”. For details, see

You can then assign a confidentiality profile to a worklist or folder (see Manage worklists and Manage folders). Patient data for studies in the worklist or folder will be anonymized when the study is viewed in the Patient Study Directory or the image viewer. This anonymization is temporary; the original study data is not modified.

Studies are only anonymized when opened from a worklist or folder that contains the Deidentify option. Regular patient data will appear if a study is opened from the Patient Study Directory.

You can also create a permanent anonymized copy of a study by applying a confidentiality profile when downloading a study (see Download studies, series or images).

Add a confidentiality profile

  1. Select Settings.
  2. Under Preferences, select Confidentiality Profiles.
  3. Select Add. You can also select an existing profile and select Copy.
  4. Enter the following information:
    • Name  Profile name.
    • Comment  Profile description.
    • Enabled  If selected, the profile can be used to anonymize data.

      To use a profile, you must assign it to a worklist or folder (see Manage worklists and Manage folders) or select the profile when downloading a study (see Download studies, series or images).

    • Apply Masks  If selected, confidentiality masks may be used to redact patient data (see Manage confidentiality masks).
    • Options  Anonymization options for the profile. To add options to the profile, select one or more options in the Disabled area, then select Enable. To remove an option, select an option in the Enabled area and select Disable.
    • Details  DICOM attributes that will be anonymized by this profile. The action that will be applied to each attribute is shown. If you do not want to anonymize an attribute, select the Disabled checkbox beside the attribute.
  1. Select Save.

Edit or delete a confidentiality profile

  1. Select Settings. Under Preferences, select Confidentiality Profiles.
  2. Select a profile.
  3. Select Edit. Modify the details, then select Save.
    Select Delete.

Refresh the confidentiality profiles list

  1. Select Settings. Under Preferences, select Confidentiality Profiles.
  2. Select Refresh to view the latest changes made by all users.