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This document should be used in conjunction with the assistance information supplied in each application.

Instructions and service information can be obtained by contacting Optos, see Contact Us.

Optos does NOT provide guidelines on making reimbursement claims. Diagnostic tests should be ordered by the consulting physician and this physician is responsible for appropriate usage, adequate documentation and accurate coding. It is the responsibility of the physician to comply with reimbursement regulations, and check with the local insurance carrier for reimbursement information and instructions. (missing or bad snippet) does NOT accept any liability for reimbursement claims made while using this device.

© 2012-2023 Hyland Software Canada ULC. All rights reserved.

© 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All rights reserved.


This document may only be used for your personal, non-commercial use. This document and all its contents (including without limitation, all text, formats, graphics and logos) are the property of Optos plc and are protected from unauthorized copying and dissemination by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (as amended), by various intellectual property laws and by international conventions.


Part Number: G103504008

Print Date: June 2023


OPTOS, OPTOMAP, RESMAX, DAYTONA, CALIFORNIA, SILVERSTONE, OPTOS CALIFORNIA, OPTOS MONACO, OPTOS SILVERSTONE, 3D WRAP, , and (missing or bad snippet) are registered trademarks. All rights reserved.

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