Manage confidentiality masks

In addition to confidentiality profiles, you can create confidentiality masks that define regions of an image that contain patient data as part of the image. These areas will be redacted to obscure the patient data.

If you are using a confidentiality profile that has masks enabled, a confidentiality mask will be applied if a mask exists that matches all of the following study attributes: modality, manufacturer and (optionally) scanner model. See Manage confidentiality profiles.

Add a confidentiality mask

  1. Select Settings.
  2. Under Preferences, select Confidentiality Masks.
  3. Under the Masks area, select Add. You can also select an existing mask and select Copy.
  4. Enter the following information:
    • Name  Mask name.
    • Comment  Mask description.
    • Modality  Modality. The mask will only be applied to images with this modality.
    • Manufacturer  Manufacturer. The mask will only be applied to images with this manufacturer.
    • Model Name  (Optional) Scanner model. The mask will only be applied to images with this scanner model name.
    • Height, Width  Height and width of the image (in pixels).
    • Enabled  If selected, the mask can be used as part of a confidentiality profile. Deselect this checkbox if you do not want OptosAdvance to use this mask.
  5. Select Save.

You can now define the regions of the image to be redacted (see the following section).

Add regions to be redacted

You can add multiple regions to a mask.

  1. Select Settings.
  2. Under Preferences, select Confidentiality Masks.
  3. In the Masks area, select a mask. The Mask Regions area shows the regions defined for the mask.
  4. Under the Mask Regions area, select Add. You can also select an existing region and select Copy.
  5. Enter the following information:
    • Top  Top of the region to be redacted (in pixels).
    • Left  Left side of the region to be redacted (in pixels).
    • Width, Height  Height and width of the region to be redacted (in pixels).
  6. Select Save.

Edit or delete a confidentiality mask or region

  1. Select Settings. Under Preferences, select Confidentiality Masks.
  2. Select a mask or mask region.
  3. Select Edit. Modify the details, then select Save.
    Select Delete.

Refresh the confidentiality masks or regions list

  1. Select Settings. Under Preferences, select Confidentiality Masks.
  2. Select Refresh to view the latest changes made by all users.