746027Track review status
You can use folders to track whether studies have been reviewed. A typical example is to group studies that require review in a For Review folder, then move these studies to a Reviewed folder once they have been reviewed.
Organize studies in review folders
The folders used to review studies (such as For Review and Reviewed) must be created by an administrator. The administrator will grant access to these folders to authorized users who can then add studies to the folders. Note that you can use more than two folders for the review process and can use any name for the folders. Contact your OptosAdvance administrator to discuss your review folder requirements.
Manage reviewed studies
When viewing a study in the image viewer, icons for the review folders are shown in the toolbar. The highlighted icon indicates which folder the study currently belongs to. For example, the following study is in the For Review folder. Once the study has been reviewed, select the Reviewed icon to move the study to the Reviewed folder.
These are example icons. In general, click a folder icon to move the study to the folder.
The review folder icons must be created by an administrator. For more information, see kSet up review folders.